Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Writing Effective Communication Exam 05002100 - 799 Words

PART A: INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM PHOENIX ADVERTISING INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: January 26, 2013 TO: Sunny Ray, Vice President Client Services, Grace Kennedy, Vice President Marketing, Summer Breeze, Vice President Creative Services FROM: Mark Hamilton SUBJECT: Roanoke Branch Update A situation has arisen at the Roanoke branch office whereby there has been some amount of discontent among the staff. The problem began after a recent change of staff at the management level; apparently some members of the creative department which includes graphic artists and copywriters have since complained that their work is not being well received by the new management personnel. Additionally, four clients of the branch have complained about†¦show more content†¦I have alerted the regional manager at the Roanoke branch to assist with any information you will require to complete your task. I am therefore requesting that you go to the Roanoke branch tomorrow morning to gather the information; please communicate only with the branch manager. After you have gathered the requested information, I would like you to prepare a comprehensive but concise report with illustrations, to facilitate the analysis of trends and comparisons so we can quickly find a solution to the prevailing situation at Roanoke. I am expecting you to provide me with your report by midday Wednesday February 6, 2013 and I will meet with you in my office at 3:30 PM to discuss your findings. The situation at the Roanoke Branch if not dealt with urgently can negatively impact the financial position of the entire organization. So it’s against this background that I request that you work efficiently and quickly so that we can all work to find the right solution to the problems at the Roanoke branch. Regards, Mark Hamilton Vice President Human Resources Phoenix Advertising Agency Head Office 12 Henley Street Phoenix, Arizona 85003 Telephone: 602-785-4123

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